The industrial area: an integrated system

Since its foundation, the Industrial Consortium of the Province of Cagliari has supported the economic and productive development of the local industrial system, by managing the Cagliari Industrial Area. The area is composed of three industrial hubs:Elmas, Macchiareddu and Sarroch, covering a total of 9,244 hectares.

The Cagliari industrial area

The Cagliari industrial area offers a number of strategic benefits to the companies establishing their operations here:

  • ideal geographical location
  • first-rate infrastructure
  • excellent transport links
  • highly attractive financial incentives for investors
  • customs free zone and business services

Over time, the physical infrastructure has been upgraded to meet the changing needs of industrial players, such as the container port, the environmental platform, the industrial incubation facilities and the Telecommunications Centre.

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The Macchiareddu industrial zone

The industrial zone of Macchiareddu is served by the industrial port of Cagliari and offers a wide range of industrial services.
It stretches across a plain next to the city of Cagliari and covers an area of 8,242.03 hectares, of which 3,661.27 are occupied by large, small and medium-sized industrial and ancillary services companies.
It has a 35-km internal road network and is well connected to the airport of Cagliari-Elmas, Cagliari and the main road junctions of Sardinia.

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The Elmas industrial zone

The Elmas industrial zone is located 5 minutes by car from Cagliari-Elmas airport and comprises mostly small industrial and service companies.
The zone has recently seen the addition of an area hosting ICT and R&D companies.

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The Sarroch industrial zone

The Sarroch industrial zone covers an area of 734.56 hectares, 460.79 of which host production activities, with 90% consisting of the SARAS oil refinery and the associated petrochemical and service activities.

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The Cagliari industrial port

The Cagliari industrial port is an advanced logistic platform at the centre of the Mediterranean.
The key player of the industrial port is the Cagliari International Container Terminal.
The entire industrial port is a free zone, making it particularly attractive for businesses operating in the international import/export sector (foreign-to-foreign).

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The Cagliari free zone

The Cagliari free zone is an enclosed zone within the EU customs territory, where non-Union goods can be introduced free of import duty and taxes, provided they are re-exported to non-EU countries.

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The environmental platform at Macchiareddu

The environmental platform at Macchiareddu, managed by Tecnocasic spa (which is wholly-owned by the Consortium), is an integrated system for waste treatment, energy recovery and the reuse of treated water. This single technology area comprises a waste-to-energy plant, a chemical-physical waste treatment and inertisation plant and an industrial and urban wastewater treatment plant.

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