Sixty years of evolution in technology and production.
We have evolved with a changing world – now we are ready for the future.
Find here the key milestones in our history.

The most important forerunner of the Consortium was the “Promoter Committee for the Cagliari Industrial Zone, established in October 1953” with three main tasks: select the area for the industrial zone, draft its development plan and obtain its designation as an industrial zone by the Regional government.
Searching for locations for industrial activities, the Committee identified two sites: one in the eastern area of the Santa Gilla lagoon, in the San Paolo locality; the other to the north of Cagliari, between the main highways departing from the city, State Roads 130 and 131.

CASIC was established on 12 June 1961 by Decree of the President of the Republic pursuant to Law no. 634/1957.
In 1957, the Parliament issued Law no. 634 to promote the industrialisation of Southern Italy. The Promoter Committee began work to establish the Consortium as provided by the new national legislation; in January 1962 the Decree (1410/1961) approving the Consortium’s Articles of Association was published in the Official Gazette.
CASIC was established as the managing body of the industrial zone. Over the years from 1953 to 1991, first the “Promoter Committee for the Cagliari Industrial Zone” and, later, the Consortium, used effectively the legal, planning and financial instruments made available by regional and national legislation (Reg. Law 22/1953 and Law 634/1957) to develop the essential primary infrastructure to enable the establishment of industrial operations at the selected sites. Over that period, CASIC worked as the operational and executive arm through calls and concessions for public works and supplies on behalf of the Autonomous Region of Sardinia, the Ministry of Industry, the Treasury, the former Agenzia per il Mezzogiorno, the Province of Cagliari and the municipalities around the industrial area of Cagliari.

National Law no. 317/91 confirmed CASIC’s role as developer and manager of the infrastructure necessary for industrial activities and upgraded the sites from traditional industrial area to “Industrial Park”, where the Consortium could play a more active and “business-oriented” role, boosting the Park’s attractiveness to companies by providing a suite of services, with a “one-stop shop” approach, to both already established and prospective Park residents, including for example:
- assisting businesses in the business plan drafting and industrial operation start-up phases;
- assisting business owners in selecting the optimal site for their industrial activity;
- specialist consultancy in the drafting of the industrial facility’s final design;
- assisting in contacts and relations with the other development actors in the territory.
The year 1991 also marked a major overhaul of CASIC’s institutional activities and mission, thanks to which, while not becoming a consortium of companies in the full sense of the term, it became a “Consortium for companies”.

In November 2008, Regional Law no. 10 of 25 July 2008 established the Industrial Consortium of the Province of Cagliari (CACIP), which succeeded CASIC in the management of Cagliari’s industrial area.
Stories in pictures
The infrastructures
The industries
The canal port
1961 – 1970
CASIC is established.
The RUMIANCA industrial complex is constructed at Macchiareddu.
The first lot of the industrial aqueduct is developed.
The SARAS industrial complex is established at Sarroch.
Container ship “Vento di Levante” reaches Cagliari.
Consortium Master Plan.
The project for the development of a container port becomes national news.
The drinking water purification plant is constructed in Macchiareddu.
SANAC establishes its industrial operations.
1971 – 1980
SARAS chimica is completed.
FLUORSID begins operations.
First modification of the Consortium’s Master Plan.
Construction of the two breakwaters for the container port.
1981 – 1990
REMOSA increases its production capacity.
The container port’s first bollard is installed.
Construction of the services centre begins.
More industrial companies set up shop at Macchiareddu and Elmas while work on the port progresses.
The CIM Zone (for maintenance companies) is established in Sarroch for contractors of the SARAS plant.
The water treatment plant at Macchiareddu becomes operational.
Vitrociset, EVC, Papiro Sarda and Carlo Monni start operations.
1991 – 2000
The CASIC Services Centre at Macchiareddu is opened.
The first lot of quay and yard infrastructure and equipment is completed at the container port.
The zone for SMEs at Sarroch is established and provided with infrastructure.
The services of the environmental platform in Macchiareddu are implemented.
2001 – 2010
The container terminal begins operating.
The 6th modification to the Consortium’s Master Plan is approved.
The CASIC Services Centre area in Macchiareddu is expanded by several R&D activities (CRS4, Neuroscience, Saraslab, Ecotec).
Infrastructure works for the Telematic Hub in Sa Illetta and the Services Zone at the Elmas site.
The Tiscali Campus, headquarters of telecommunications company Tiscali is opened.
The Macchiareddu incineration plant undergoes technology and capacity upgrading.
Construction of the toxic waste treatment plant and of the organic waste composting plant in Macchiareddu.
Construction of the second lot of quayside infrastructure for the industrial port.
Inauguration of the satellite communications station (teleport) in Macchiareddu by the company Skylogic Mediterraneo.
CASIC is transformed into CACIP – the Industrial Consortium of the Province of Cagliari.
2011 – 2020
The “Flumini ‘e Binu” municipal and non-hazardous waste landfill in the Sarroch Municipality undergoes final covering and revegetation.
The G2E areas at the industrial port of Cagliari are refurbished in collaboration with the Cagliari Port Authority. Works are completed at the level of the junction for SS 195 / Industrial Port / Free Zone.
Revamping works begin on two waste-to-energy lines at the Macchiareddu plant.
Energy upgrading works at the CACIP Services Centre in the Macchiareddu industrial zone.
Development works on the site that will host the free zone at the Industrial Port.
Renovation of the lighting system in the SME area at Sarroch.
Resurfacing of the “Capoterra-Assemini” road known as “Strada della birreria”.
Urban infrastructure works on the extension and side road of the “Sesta strada ovest” in Macchiareddu.